Friday, June 13, 2008


The three most important choices I have had to make in life are Mission, Marriage and Making Babies (only way i could think of calling this the 3 M decisions.)
I served a Mission in South Chicago. Up to that point in life it was the best experience of my life.
I married my lovely bride Rebecca in the Manti temple. I met her at church. She was teaching gospel doctrine and looking good while she was doing it. I leaned over to my buddy Brad and told him I was going to marry her. I made the comment not ever having spoke with her. Not to long after we met we got married. Now this was the best experience in my life!
Two years after we were married it was time to bring our first child into the world (making babies). This experience definitely tied the joy I felt when I found Rebecca my eternal Companion. Our first child is a boy. We named Him Wyatt. We have another boy on the way.
It is comforting to know that if we follow the teachings of the Savior we will remain a family for eternity.

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